Risks of CO2 Leakage from Geological Reservoirs and Pipelines


CCS Landscape OverviewCyndhia RamatchandiraneSlidesVideo
Risks and Potential Impacts from Carbon Steel Pipelines in Louisiana Transporting and Processing Variable Produced Gases (such as CO2, H2, CH4)Steven JanstoSlidesVideo
Federal Regulation and Technical Requirements for Onshore Geologic Storage of Carbon DioxideDominic DiGiulioSlidesVideo
About the participants:

Cyndhia Ramatchandirane has 10 years of coastal geoscience research experience in Louisiana. She is a member of the CAES Advisory Group and currently works as a Staff Scientist at Earthjustice, where she supports litigation efforts to protect diverse communities impacted by the oil, gas, and petrochemical buildout along the Louisiana/Texas Gulf coast and in the Ohio River Valley.

Dominic DiGiulio, Ph.D. is an independent consultant providing assistance primarily to non-government organizations. His educational and research background is in subsurface hydrology and contaminant transport. He retired from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 2014 after 31 years of service. While at EPA, he assisted in development of EPA’s Class VI Rule on geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide.

Steven Jansto, Ph.D., MBA is Principal Partner of Research and Development Resources. He has extensive technical, operational, process and physical metallurgy experience in steelmaking, clean steel technology, thick and thin slab casting and hot rolling of plate, sheet and long products. He has published over 125 papers in process and physical metallurgical research and development. Steve holds one patent and received numerous metallurgical awards, after more than 30 years of experience in the steel industry. In 2022 Steven authored the report, Risks and Potential Impacts from Carbon Steel Pipelines in Louisiana Transporting and Processing Variable Produced Gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Hydrogen (H2), Methane (CH4).