Our environmental laws give the public a right to review, comment on, and challenge environmental permitting decisions and other environmental policies. Unfortunately, this is not a level playing field. Industrial polluters have large budgets to retain expensive technical experts and make their case to state permitting agencies. Community groups, particularly in areas that suffer a disproportionate burden from air and water pollution, rarely have the resources to secure their own, comparable expert assistance.
The Center for Applied Environmental Science (CAES) was established to level the playing field by connecting environmental advocates with high-quality expert assistance. CAES is committed to funding that expert relationship to the extent possible, subject to the following priorities:
Lauren Fleer, P.E., Environmental Engineer
Lauren works as a staff engineer for the Center for Applied Environmental Science (CAES) and with EIP’s Texas Oil & Gas Program. Prior to joining EIP, she managed soil and groundwater remediation projects for the US Army Corps of Engineers. Lauren holds a M.S. in Environmental Engineering and Science from Northwestern University and a B.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Keri N. Powell leads the Air Program at the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC), the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan environmental legal advocacy organization rooted in and focused on the U.S. South. Keri is widely recognized as one of the nation’s leading Clean Air Act experts. She previously served as Senior Clean Air Act Counseling Attorney for the U.S. EPA in Atlanta and as an advisor to U.S. EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance in Washington, D.C. Her legal career also includes litigation of impactful Clean Air Act cases during her tenure with Earthjustice in Washington, D.C. and New York; as leader of the New York Public Interest Research Group’s air quality litigation project; and on behalf of Sierra Club, Environmental Integrity Project, Environmental Defense Fund, and others while in private practice. Keri earned a B.A. in Earth Science from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, and a J.D. from New York University School of Law. She is licensed to practice law in Georgia, New York, and Washington, D.C.